This article will cover three of the many ways to generate extra revenue from your junk removal business. This is over and above your revenues associated with charging customers for your services. Hopefully this info will get your own gears spinning and juices flowing as you sit back and consider even more ways that this might also be possible in your area. You are going to LOVE this business. |
These are the three extra income streams that we will be covering in this article:
- Flea Markets
- eBay
- Networking
Each one of them has it's own particular charm. You might prefer one over the other. I've done all of them. The third one, networking, is by far my most favorite.
Now, I say that they net profit was usually $300, but don't forget, each item that I sold was one less thing I had to pay to throw in a dumpster or dispose of in some other way. Check out my book for some serious tips on how to approach selling at a flea market, regardless of what you are selling. Also, in the book you will enjoy the flea market story about the bolt of fabric. It was pleasantly profitable.
Flea Markets
So, do you like being up at 3:00 AM? Who doesn't? (Me, that's who!) I planned on attending the flea market many more times than I actually went, however each time it was well worth it. I always seemed to net about $300 for the morning. (By 10:30 -11:00 it's over.) After that you are toast from having to haggle with people.Now, I say that they net profit was usually $300, but don't forget, each item that I sold was one less thing I had to pay to throw in a dumpster or dispose of in some other way. Check out my book for some serious tips on how to approach selling at a flea market, regardless of what you are selling. Also, in the book you will enjoy the flea market story about the bolt of fabric. It was pleasantly profitable.
I've sold many things on eBay over the years, not just items related to my junk removal business. The ability to sell items online via eBay is a wonderful thing. Directly from junk jobs I've sold stereo equipment, speakers and even an older Electrolux canister vacuum cleaner. The Electrolux netted me over $130 on eBay, whereas a tag sale would've gotten me maybe $25 - $40. In the book we talk more about how to approach eBay. Sometimes it makes sense to hire someone else to sell for you. Now, you need to be very careful about doing this. There is a right way and a really wrong way to have someone else sell your stuff on eBay and I do not usually recommend the typical businesses that have a store front and offer to sell your stuff for you. There is a better way. See the book. You can actually read the answer right from the book on Amazon.Networking
Networking means talking to business people relevant to your business. It means proactively making contact.
You need to speak to antique dealers and ask them what to keep an eye open for. You might be surprised at what things will make you money, it is seldom obvious. In the book there is a story about two antique salad bowls, of which I would have sold for $5 a piece at a flea market.
Get to know any auctioneers in your area. They can tell you what may have resale value.
You should speak with other junk removal persons, if there are any in your area.
Get to know the guys at the recycling center and other similar places.
Realtors are good to network with, especially in a booming real estate market as many homeowners need to say goodbye to heaps of accumulated junk before selling a home.
Removing junk from homes being sold are usually the biggest junk jobs, with the exception of cleaning out basements of stores that are being sold. Store basements are the worst. Usually there is so much stuff, mostly worthless and bulky, and it is never easy to see it all at one time, since store basements are usually packed and maze-like.
Note: Regarding store basement clean outs: Whatever you think you should estimate, double the estimate and be willing to walk away. You'll thank me.
You need to speak to antique dealers and ask them what to keep an eye open for. You might be surprised at what things will make you money, it is seldom obvious. In the book there is a story about two antique salad bowls, of which I would have sold for $5 a piece at a flea market.
Get to know any auctioneers in your area. They can tell you what may have resale value.
You should speak with other junk removal persons, if there are any in your area.
Get to know the guys at the recycling center and other similar places.
Realtors are good to network with, especially in a booming real estate market as many homeowners need to say goodbye to heaps of accumulated junk before selling a home.
Removing junk from homes being sold are usually the biggest junk jobs, with the exception of cleaning out basements of stores that are being sold. Store basements are the worst. Usually there is so much stuff, mostly worthless and bulky, and it is never easy to see it all at one time, since store basements are usually packed and maze-like.
Note: Regarding store basement clean outs: Whatever you think you should estimate, double the estimate and be willing to walk away. You'll thank me.
In the book I go over other types of folks that you can network with, that I never would have even thought to consider, since I didn't know that these people even existed.
See also:
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